Kinetic sand

It is used as an excellent multimedia tool in the development of fine motor skills, creativity and imagination in children.This sand is different from ordinary sand because it has its own non-dissolving structure that allows various shapes to be formed with it. As materials, we used baking soda and food coloring. An exciting experiment andContinue reading “Kinetic sand”

Creative math lesson

In this drawing game we use the dice to decide which parts of the drawing to draw. To ensure step-by-step progress, our exercises include tasks such as locating objects, drawing points on quadrants, drawing line segments, drawing shapes, and more. To be more specific, we are learning about the parts of the COORDINATE PLANE.We have includedContinue reading “Creative math lesson”


In the lesson on the world around us, we learned to navigate the neighborhood. In the art class, the students made their neighborhood from various boxes (for medicine, from biscuits…) from cardboard rolls from toilet pairs… When they made the appearance of their neighborhood, they programmed the Beebot to move through the neighborhood. The tasksContinue reading “Village-town-STEM”